What are Mail Order Prescriptions

Do you have a Chronic Condition that requires Medication? Do you also enjoy Saving Money?

When you look at your summary of benefits in your health insurance plan, you will eventually come to a section that labels prescriptions. You will normally see a hierarchy of tiers, which now some carriers go from 1 to 4 (or perhaps: generic drugs, preferred brand drugs/formulary, no preferred brand drugs/non formulary), that explains the amount of copay or coinsurance you are going have to pay to receive the prescriptions (always check the fine print, there are sometimes limitations on coverage), while also seeing if you will need to pay a deductible for the prescriptions, specifically. Normally in that same section you will come across a Mail Order RX.

Broker Tip: Always check the fine print or any footnotes or endnotes located on your prescription information on your summary of benefits or general health plan. Understand what limitations your insurance carrier has regarding prescriptions, and how much they will actually cost you in specific situations.

What are Mail Order Prescriptions

The Mail Order RX system allows the member to purchase a 90 day supply of a specific maintenance medication, usually for the price of 60 days’ worth of medication. In your Summary of Benefits it may just say it will cost 2-2.5 times a 30 day supply. What are the benefits of Mail Order Prescriptions

Mail Order prescriptions are a lower cost option for maintenance drugs; if you have a chronic condition that requires the use of prescriptions to mediate the condition, you can use the Mail Order RX system to save you money on your medications. Mail Order prescriptions can also be shipped to your home, so it is very convenient and easy to use. Depending on your insurance carrier and how your refills work for your medication, your Mail Order may come to your house a few days before you run out of your prescriptions so that you will have the new RX when you need it. It keeps stress down knowing that you have a brand new supply.

How do I go about ordering Mail Order Prescriptions

Insurance carriers do it differently, so there is no “one size fits all” way of explaining this (which seems to be the case in almost all medical insurance related topics), but you can call your provider or go online and follow their steps to get your Mail Order RX setup.

Thank you for reading, and have luck ordering your Mail Order!

Additional Disclaimer – Although I am an Insurance broker and a professional in the field, the Health Care laws are ever-changing, especially in the age of the Affordable Health Care Act, and the laws, information, opinions, or understandings that I have written about may be obsolete by the time you come across them and I take no legal responsibility for what actions you may or may not take because of it. To keep yourself safe, please seek updated professional advice, because changes are happening and I would like to keep everyone safe from any misleading or dead information. Please check out the “Terms and Conditions” page for more information and/or bookmark my blog for upcoming changes and updates to the ACA. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

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